Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Very productive day

Malmö, sweden

Weather: Windy, cloudy, 12 C (later on, rain)

Woke up around 7am when my parents got up but dozed off and didnt get up till my alarm went off at 9am. Got quickly ready as I had to be at the jobcenter around 10am. My dad decided to go with me as Im not very good at getting what I want, which in this case was making sure I get government money after having worked in the UK. We rode our bikes there and I was trying hard to keep up with my dad which left me very leg shaken and faint feeling when I got off the bike! God Im unfit...
It took a while once we were there as there were loads of people but got to speak to someone eventually. Its funny how the jobcenter in London is so different from the one in Sweden. Here you get treated with respect and friendly manners while in London, you get treated like complete shit. Well that's how it works in Hackney anyway, but there they do tend to treat people like animals...as most people seem to be just that..."animals". Anyway, I should get government money as long as I have all the right documents to prove I have worked...and I obviously have to try and get a job in the meantime but even a bar job over here you need at least 3 years bartender education. So Im pretty fucked. :o)
After the jobcenter I was trying to get online but the net was down for some reason so I was going mad, not knowing what to do with myself! Eventually I decided to bake some chocolate muffins for my mums birthday as we are having relatives over and I have offered to take care of everything. Shame I cant eat them myself...they looked very yummy indeed.
Then I had my dinner with the rest of the family and after that myself and Rebecca tried going to the gym. We have a gym in the neighbourhood, 9 people have keys and are responsible for keeping it open at certain times, which they arent really doing so it was closed and we went for a bit of a walk instead. Since then I have just been chilling with family, watching some telly and planning my mums birthday party and helping my brother out with some english essay.
Its rather late now, I was going for a shower but apparently its not allowed this late. Jaysus...not easy to come back to living with your parents when you are used to having a shower, eating whatever and whenever you want or going to bed and getting up when you like...now I cant do any of that. Kinda sucks!
I've had a bad "miss Leon Day" today...probably cos we havent been able to speak as he's been to college and then straight to work. Well Im knackered, didnt get a lot of sleep last night so Im gonna have an "early" night, have quite alot to do tomorrow, including getting my mum another birthday pressie, cleaning house, organising the party as well as making a cake and stuff.
Oh by the way, I have seen loads of cheap last minute trips to the sun at the moment, cos the weather is so crap they are gonna go very quick and im worried I wont be able to go on one this year and it looks like we wont have much of a summer...I need sun god dammit! (Baaaaby, can we go on hols now? Pleeeease?!?!?!)
G'night people!

Monday, June 06, 2005

feeling self consious...

Malmö, Sweden

Weather: Cloudy, rainy. 13C (where the hell is the summer?)

Today is a bank holiday here in sweden, swedens national day, its the first time its become a bank holiday which is cool cos my parents and friends were home from work. My parents dragged me out to a fairground/park and I brought Rebecca and her son, Philip. We didnt stay too long. After that I went food shopping with my parents and we went back home and had Tacos for dinner. Yum...
I've been feeling a bit fat lately so I went for a run with my dad and Im planning on going to the gym tomorrow. I wanna look good, god dammit!
After the run I've just been watching Friends and chilling out in front of the computer, managed to speak to my baby too. Happy for him cos he got both the auditions he went for and is opening up the show. Well done baby! Love ya loads. xxxx That reminds me, I need to look up a flight so I can go over and see the show in July...
Well its only 9pm now but Im gonna go to bed early as I have to be up early to go to the jobcenter and sort some stuff out...hate that sorta thing but its got to be done! Tomorrow is going to be a productive day I reckon...:o)

A bit of shopping

Malmö, Sweden

Weather: Cloudy, 18C

I slept like a log last night and woke up around noon and decided to do something so I ended up going shopping with my parents. We were feeling exercise so we rode our bikes to the shopping center which is about a 30 mins walk away. While we were there, we met up with my best friend, Rebecca and we went for a hunt for make up and clothes and I ended up with 3 tops, one very colourful halterneck top and one simple white string top and a white tight cardigan sorta top. Make up will have to wait as I couldnt find the right colour eye shadow. Have to buy all new make up now that Im back to blonde. Dark eye shadows doesnt really work when you are bright blonde! After that we drove (rebecca drove) to a shop that sells everything very low price, its mainly products that have been left over from shops so I got 2 self tanning lotions for 5 pounds instad of one for 12 pounds. Bargain! Also have to get a tan or you look like a ghost being blonde. My budget doesnt really allow me to go to sunbeds anymore...hmm.
After shopping we went back to mine for dinner and then went for a walk (in hope to lose weight) but ended up with crisps and dips and coke and pigged out on that while watching a DVD, "the forgotten" which was rather good. Rebecca went back home, my parents went to bed and I spoke to my baby on the phone for a while. Feel a bit bad leaving him there on his own. I was fine when he was with his parents but now he's back in London on his own and is apparently finding it hard to deal with which makes me feel pretty shitty and guilty. But hopefully it will get easier...and his best mate is probably gonna come and stay to keep him company.
Its midnight now, i was wanting a nice bubble bath but its too late now so will have to be in the morning instead. Im off to bed now!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

My holidays with leon

Malmo, Sweden

Weather: Sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy. 14 C

It's been a while! Not been near a computer for quite a while. I will update you on my last week tho. Sunday: We got up at 6am which was a struggle...and caught the bus to Victoria Station where we were just in time for the coach to Leeds. The journey took 4 ish hours and during this time, Leon managed to go to the loo on the coach and fall out of it with his dick and his hand and his pants around his ankles! Sadly I missed all this, as I had dozed off but Leon told me all the gory details and that kept us amused for the rest of the day! When we got to Leeds, we ran back and forth from train station to bus station about 4 times, as Leon couldnt decide whether getting the train or the bus from Leeds to Bridlington. We ended up on the bus though and spent another 3 hours on a very bumpy and uncomfortable bus. Luckily tho, this bus had no loo! After most of the day with travel sickness we finally got to Bridlington. The sun was shining and we strolled along the beach before we found our bed and breakfast. We decided to get a power nap once we got there but we couldnt get to sleep and just ventured out instead, in hunt for some food. After checking out the place, we ended up at a restaurant where we had roast chicken and all that comes with it. After that we went to the arcades and tried to win a teddy (I love teddies). No luck though and we had planned to go for a drink but all that dodgy chicken left me with something that felt very similiar to food poisoning so we went back to the bed and breakfast and chilled out instead. Monday: We woke up at 8am when the breakfast bell rang and I was the last person down for breakfast. We had Frosties followed by a full english breakfast (geez, how much are you supposed to bloody eat?!). Then we went down the beach as it was sunny. We worked hard on our tans for a few hours but decided to get out of it when I started to look like a lobster. Next thing on the agenda was crabbing! We bought one of those small fishing rods and went down the harbour, where we met 2 young boys, Will and Ryan who showed Leon all the tricks to get a crab. They had caught about 50 before we got there so Leon reckoned thats why we couldn't catch any crabs! After that adventure we went for a stroll, down the other beach (there was south beach and north beach) but it got a bit too chilly and we went back to the bed and breakfast to freshen up before we were off out for dinner and ended up having another roast yet again! Then we ended up at the arcades yet again, playing on the Grand National which I became the master at and Leon ended up being upset all night cos I didnt let him win (men!!!). Leon had already won an Eeyore for me so he was trying for the BIG BIG teddy and we spent a fortune trying to win him before we gave up and went for a few drinks. Tuesday: Our last day. We had breakfast as usual and packed and checked out but decided to go back to leeds later that afternoon as the sun was shining. We went back trying to win that bastard teddy again (mainly because Leon couldnt sleep cos it pissed him off so much) and even got the manager to come down as the machine seemed faulty and wouldnt pick the fucking teddy up. Spent another fortune on that before we just had enough and went down the beach again and did some shopping. I got myself some lovely shell necklace and bracelet as well as a birthday present for my mum. We went back on the grand national again, saving winning vouchers and then handed them all in (5) and I picked up my price, another teddy for me and dominos for Leon. Then I spotted my fave teddy of all times, which I've always wanted, GIZMO! And leon won him for me as well as another teddy so we had teddies all over the place and decided that was enough and went for some fish and chips (which we werent charged for cos the girl was stupid) and had some ice cream too. We caught our bus back to leeds at 6pm and went from leeds by bus to Halifax where Leons dad picked us up. Got there fairly late so watched some telly and went to bed. Wednesday: Woke up early ish and Leons dad and sister came to pick us up and take us out for dinner which was lovely. Then we went to his dads to get some pictures and things scanned and then to his grandmother, AKA Ginger Grams to say hello. Got back to the house pretty late and messed around with the video camera for hours and nearly didnt make it to the shop in time before it closed (its a 25 mins walk to the nearest sweet shop...thank God i dont live in halifax). Stocked up on crisps and a DVD (the chainsaw massakre) and Leon scared me half to death on the way home telling me his ghosts experiences. Watched the DVD, had some quick food and had a bath and went to bed. Thursday: My last day in Halifax. Leons mum came back from Amsterdam so we caught up with her, then his dad came around and we had a coffee and chilled out. Then it was time to go to Ginger Grams again to show her the video we had made while in Bridlington. She used to take Leon there was he was younger but hasnt been able to go lately as she's got bad legs. Had something to eat as well before we head off. Had a walk in the park and Leons friend, Matt picked us up and we went to his for a quick drink, before we were on our way back to the house. Awful hassle getting anywhere in Halifax...the buses goes once every hour and doesnt go all the way so you have to walk half the way. How can people live in the middle of nowhere?! I'd go mad...We got there about 10 and had a meal with his mum before we had another bath and chilled out. Friday: Got up early as we Leons mum were driving us to the train station at 11am. Got to leeds around 12.30 and met up with Leons best mate, Errol, who had come up north for a day and a night to party hard with leon. We had something to eat and then they dropped me off at the bus station and we said our goodbyes which wasnt easy, knowing we wouldnt see eachother for a few months...The bus was freezing and 2 hours delayed which pissed me off as it meant getting back in London at 9pm and I had to pack and be up at 2.30am to be at the airport for 5.30am. I quickly threw my stuff in the suitcase, had a shower and went to bed but it was strange being there on my own and not with leon, as I hadnt been away from him for a second for the last week. So I couldnt get to sleep until midnight and then I was woken up at 2am by my noisy flatmate and decided to get up then. Had some major problems getting a bus to the train station and I waited an hour for it in dodgy Hackney...Got there in time tho and was at the aiport fairly early. I wandered around the shops and found the most gorgeous perfume ever, Miami Glow, smells exactly like the Perhentian islands, a mix of coconut, heat and the sea. So I couldnt resist it...it makes me feel like Im on a tropical island! :o)I arrived early at Malmo airport and had to wait a good 20 mins for my parents to pick me up. I had some food when I got home and went to bed for a while. My hairdresser came by in the evening to sort my hair out as well as my best friend, rebbeca's hair. Im still not that impressed with the colour of my hair tho...its a lot less yellow but its very very blonde...hmm...I need a tan quick!Well its very late now so Im gonna crawl into my lovely bed. P.S. Baby, if you are reading this, just want to say that i miss you loooooooads and looooads. be careful skipping that fare back to London! Love ya! xxxx

My holidays with Leon

It's been a while! Not been near a computer for quite a while. I will update you on my last week tho.

Sunday: We got up at 6am which was a struggle...and caught the bus to Victoria Station where we were just in time for the coach to Leeds. The journey took 4 ish hours and during this time, Leon managed to go to the loo on the coach and fall out of it with his dick and his hand and his pants around his ankles! Sadly I missed all this, as I had dozed off but Leon told me all the gory details and that kept us amused for the rest of the day! When we got to Leeds, we ran back and forth from train station to bus station about 4 times, as Leon couldnt decide whether getting the train or the bus from Leeds to Bridlington. We ended up on the bus though and spent another 3 hours on a very bumpy and uncomfortable bus. Luckily tho, this bus had no loo!
After most of the day with travel sickness we finally got to Bridlington. The sun was shining and we strolled along the beach before we found our bed and breakfast. We decided to get a power nap once we got there but we couldnt get to sleep and just ventured out instead, in hunt for some food. After checking out the place, we ended up at a restaurant where we had roast chicken and all that comes with it. After that we went to the arcades and tried to win a teddy (I love teddies). No luck though and we had planned to go for a drink but all that dodgy chicken left me with something that felt very similiar to food poisoning so we went back to the bed and breakfast and chilled out instead.

Monday: We woke up at 8am when the breakfast bell rang and I was the last person down for breakfast. We had Frosties followed by a full english breakfast (geez, how much are you supposed to bloody eat?!). Then we went down the beach as it was sunny. We worked hard on our tans for a few hours but decided to get out of it when I started to look like a lobster. Next thing on the agenda was crabbing! We bought one of those small fishing rods and went down the harbour, where we met 2 young boys, Will and Ryan who showed Leon all the tricks to get a crab. They had caught about 50 before we got there so Leon reckoned thats why we couldn't catch any crabs! After that adventure we went for a stroll, down the other beach (there was south beach and north beach) but it got a bit too chilly and we went back to the bed and breakfast to freshen up before we were off out for dinner and ended up having another roast yet again! Then we ended up at the arcades yet again, playing on the Grand National which I became the master at and Leon ended up being upset all night cos I didnt let him win (men!!!). Leon had already won an Eeyore for me so he was trying for the BIG BIG teddy and we spent a fortune trying to win him before we gave up and went for a few drinks.

Tuesday: Our last day. We had breakfast as usual and packed and checked out but decided to go back to leeds later that afternoon as the sun was shining. We went back trying to win that bastard teddy again (mainly because Leon couldnt sleep cos it pissed him off so much) and even got the manager to come down as the machine seemed faulty and wouldnt pick the fucking teddy up. Spent another fortune on that before we just had enough and went down the beach again and did some shopping. I got myself some lovely shell necklace and bracelet as well as a birthday present for my mum. We went back on the grand national again, saving winning vouchers and then handed them all in (5) and I picked up my price, another teddy for me and dominos for Leon. Then I spotted my fave teddy of all times, which I've always wanted, GIZMO! And leon won him for me as well as another teddy so we had teddies all over the place and decided that was enough and went for some fish and chips (which we werent charged for cos the girl was stupid) and had some ice cream too. We caught our bus back to leeds at 6pm and went from leeds by bus to Halifax where Leons dad picked us up. Got there fairly late so watched some telly and went to bed.

Wednesday: Woke up early ish and Leons dad and sister came to pick us up and take us out for dinner which was lovely. Then we went to his dads to get some pictures and things scanned and then to his grandmother, AKA Ginger Grams to say hello. Got back to the house pretty late and messed around with the video camera for hours and nearly didnt make it to the shop in time before it closed (its a 25 mins walk to the nearest sweet shop...thank God i dont live in halifax). Stocked up on crisps and a DVD (the chainsaw massakre) and Leon scared me half to death on the way home telling me his ghosts experiences. Watched the DVD, had some quick food and had a bath and went to bed.

Thursday: My last day in Halifax. Leons mum came back from Amsterdam so we caught up with her, then his dad came around and we had a coffee and chilled out. Then it was time to go to Ginger Grams again to show her the video we had made while in Bridlington. She used to take Leon there was he was younger but hasnt been able to go lately as she's got bad legs. Had something to eat as well before we head off. Had a walk in the park and Leons friend, Matt picked us up and we went to his for a quick drink, before we were on our way back to the house. Awful hassle getting anywhere in Halifax...the buses goes once every hour and doesnt go all the way so you have to walk half the way. How can people live in the middle of nowhere?! I'd go mad...
We got there about 10 and had a meal with his mum before we had another bath and chilled out.

Friday: Got up early as we Leons mum were driving us to the train station at 11am. Got to leeds around 12.30 and met up with Leons best mate, Errol, who had come up north for a day and a night to party hard with leon. We had something to eat and then they dropped me off at the bus station and we said our goodbyes which wasnt easy, knowing we wouldnt see eachother for a few months...
The bus was freezing and 2 hours delayed which pissed me off as it meant getting back in London at 9pm and I had to pack and be up at 2.30am to be at the airport for 5.30am. I quickly threw my stuff in the suitcase, had a shower and went to bed but it was strange being there on my own and not with leon, as I hadnt been away from him for a second for the last week. So I couldnt get to sleep until midnight and then I was woken up at 2am by my noisy flatmate and decided to get up then. Had some major problems getting a bus to the train station and I waited an hour for it in dodgy Hackney...Got there in time tho and was at the aiport fairly early. I wandered around the shops and found the most gorgeous perfume ever, Miami Glow, smells exactly like the Perhentian islands, a mix of coconut, heat and the sea. So I couldnt resist it...it makes me feel like Im on a tropical island! :o)
I arrived early at Malmo airport and had to wait a good 20 mins for my parents to pick me up.
I had some food when I got home and went to bed for a while. My hairdresser came by in the evening to sort my hair out as well as my best friend, rebbeca's hair. Im still not that impressed with the colour of my hair tho...its a lot less yellow but its very very blonde...hmm...I need a tan quick!
Well its very late now so Im gonna crawl into my lovely bed.
P.S. Baby, if you are reading this, just want to say that i miss you loooooooads and looooads. be careful skipping that fare back to London! Love ya! xxxx

My Holidays with Leon

Malmo, Sweden

Weather: Sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy. 14 C

It's been a while! Not been near a computer for quite a while. I will update you on my last week tho.

Sunday: We got up at 6am which was a struggle...and caught the bus to Victoria Station where we were just in time for the coach to Leeds. The journey took 4 ish hours and during this time, Leon managed to go to the loo on the coach and fall out of it with his dick and his hand and his pants around his ankles! Sadly I missed all this, as I had dozed off but Leon told me all the gory details and that kept us amused for the rest of the day! When we got to Leeds, we ran back and forth from train station to bus station about 4 times, as Leon couldnt decide whether getting the train or the bus from Leeds to Bridlington. We ended up on the bus though and spent another 3 hours on a very bumpy and uncomfortable bus. Luckily tho, this bus had no loo!
After most of the day with travel sickness we finally got to Bridlington. The sun was shining and we strolled along the beach before we found our bed and breakfast. We decided to get a power nap once we got there but we couldnt get to sleep and just ventured out instead, in hunt for some food. After checking out the place, we ended up at a restaurant where we had roast chicken and all that comes with it. After that we went to the arcades and tried to win a teddy (I love teddies). No luck though and we had planned to go for a drink but all that dodgy chicken left me with something that felt very similiar to food poisoning so we went back to the bed and breakfast and chilled out instead.

Monday: We woke up at 8am when the breakfast bell rang and I was the last person down for breakfast. We had Frosties followed by a full english breakfast (geez, how much are you supposed to bloody eat?!). Then we went down the beach as it was sunny. We worked hard on our tans for a few hours but decided to get out of it when I started to look like a lobster. Next thing on the agenda was crabbing! We bought one of those small fishing rods and went down the harbour, where we met 2 young boys, Will and Ryan who showed Leon all the tricks to get a crab. They had caught about 50 before we got there so Leon reckoned thats why we couldn't catch any crabs! After that adventure we went for a stroll, down the other beach (there was south beach and north beach) but it got a bit too chilly and we went back to the bed and breakfast to freshen up before we were off out for dinner and ended up having another roast yet again! Then we ended up at the arcades yet again, playing on the Grand National which I became the master at and Leon ended up being upset all night cos I didnt let him win (men!!!). Leon had already won an Eeyore for me so he was trying for the BIG BIG teddy and we spent a fortune trying to win him before we gave up and went for a few drinks.

Tuesday: Our last day. We had breakfast as usual and packed and checked out but decided to go back to leeds later that afternoon as the sun was shining. We went back trying to win that bastard teddy again (mainly because Leon couldnt sleep cos it pissed him off so much) and even got the manager to come down as the machine seemed faulty and wouldnt pick the fucking teddy up. Spent another fortune on that before we just had enough and went down the beach again and did some shopping. I got myself some lovely shell necklace and bracelet as well as a birthday present for my mum. We went back on the grand national again, saving winning vouchers and then handed them all in (5) and I picked up my price, another teddy for me and dominos for Leon. Then I spotted my fave teddy of all times, which I've always wanted, GIZMO! And leon won him for me as well as another teddy so we had teddies all over the place and decided that was enough and went for some fish and chips (which we werent charged for cos the girl was stupid) and had some ice cream too. We caught our bus back to leeds at 6pm and went from leeds by bus to Halifax where Leons dad picked us up. Got there fairly late so watched some telly and went to bed.

Wednesday: Woke up early ish and Leons dad and sister came to pick us up and take us out for dinner which was lovely. Then we went to his dads to get some pictures and things scanned and then to his grandmother, AKA Ginger Grams to say hello. Got back to the house pretty late and messed around with the video camera for hours and nearly didnt make it to the shop in time before it closed (its a 25 mins walk to the nearest sweet shop...thank God i dont live in halifax). Stocked up on crisps and a DVD (the chainsaw massakre) and Leon scared me half to death on the way home telling me his ghosts experiences. Watched the DVD, had some quick food and had a bath and went to bed.

Thursday: My last day in Halifax. Leons mum came back from Amsterdam so we caught up with her, then his dad came around and we had a coffee and chilled out. Then it was time to go to Ginger Grams again to show her the video we had made while in Bridlington. She used to take Leon there was he was younger but hasnt been able to go lately as she's got bad legs. Had something to eat as well before we head off. Had a walk in the park and Leons friend, Matt picked us up and we went to his for a quick drink, before we were on our way back to the house. Awful hassle getting anywhere in Halifax...the buses goes once every hour and doesnt go all the way so you have to walk half the way. How can people live in the middle of nowhere?! I'd go mad...
We got there about 10 and had a meal with his mum before we had another bath and chilled out.

Friday: Got up early as we Leons mum were driving us to the train station at 11am. Got to leeds around 12.30 and met up with Leons best mate, Errol, who had come up north for a day and a night to party hard with leon. We had something to eat and then they dropped me off at the bus station and we said our goodbyes which wasnt easy, knowing we wouldnt see eachother for a few months...
The bus was freezing and 2 hours delayed which pissed me off as it meant getting back in London at 9pm and I had to pack and be up at 2.30am to be at the airport for 5.30am. I quickly threw my stuff in the suitcase, had a shower and went to bed but it was strange being there on my own and not with leon, as I hadnt been away from him for a second for the last week. So I couldnt get to sleep until midnight and then I was woken up at 2am by my noisy flatmate and decided to get up then. Had some major problems getting a bus to the train station and I waited an hour for it in dodgy Hackney...Got there in time tho and was at the aiport fairly early. I wandered around the shops and found the most gorgeous perfume ever, Miami Glow, smells exactly like the Perhentian islands, a mix of coconut, heat and the sea. So I couldnt resist it...it makes me feel like Im on a tropical island! :o)
I arrived early at Malmo airport and had to wait a good 20 mins for my parents to pick me up.
I had some food when I got home and went to bed for a while. My hairdresser came by in the evening to sort my hair out as well as my best friend, rebbeca's hair. Im still not that impressed with the colour of my hair tho...its a lot less yellow but its very very blonde...hmm...I need a tan quick!
Well its very late now so Im gonna crawl into my lovely bed.
P.S. Baby, if you are reading this, just want to say that i miss you loooooooads and looooads. be careful skipping that fare back to London! Love ya! xxxx

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Busy Day!

London, England

Weather: 18 C, Sunny, Windy

Today I fancied going sunbathing in the local park but Leon had managed to get the day off work and I was persuaded to go in to Covent Garden with him to collect some pictures and while we were there we wandered around and also had dinner at a Pizza Place.
Since I knew I had loads to do, stuff to buy and a lot of packing to do, both for Sweden and Yorkshire, we tried to get back at home as quickly as possible. So while leon went to work to pick up a bag he had left at work, I got on the bus to tesco to pick up some whisky for my dad (alcohol is very expensive in sweden!), then went back home and started packing. Its nearly 9pm now and we havent even finished yet. The bus leaves tomorrow morning at 7am for leeds! Im knackered...
We also found the mouse (or was it a rat?) that was spotted in the staircase about a month ago dead and rotten in the boiler room! that explains the smell of that place. Yuck...luckily Leon got rid of it. At least men are good for something eh?
Im sorry todays blog is quite shit but Im exhausted and wanna go to bed! Probably wont be able to post anything until next week when I come back from Yorkshire...
Hope you have a nice week people!

Busy day!

London, England

Weather: 18 C, Sunny, Windy

Today I fancied going sunbathing in the local park but Leon had managed to get the day off work and I was persuaded to go in to Covent Garden with him to collect some pictures and while we were there we wandered around and also had dinner at a Pizza Place.
Since I knew I had loads to do, stuff to buy and a lot of packing to do, both for Sweden and Yorkshire, we tried to get back at home as quickly as possible. So while leon went to work to pick up a bag he had left at work, I got on the bus to tesco to pick up some whisky for my dad (alcohol is very expensive in sweden!), then went back home and started packing. Its nearly 9pm now and we havent even finished yet. The bus leaves tomorrow morning at 7am for leeds! Im knackered...
We also found the mouse (or was it a rat?) that was spotted in the staircase about a month ago dead and rotten in the boiler room! that explains the smell of that place. Yuck...luckily Leon got rid of it. At least men are good for something eh?
Im sorry todays blog is quite shit but Im exhausted and wanna go to bed! Probably wont be able to post anything until next week when I come back from Yorkshire...
Hope you have a nice week people!

Friday, May 27, 2005

Quiet Friday

London, England

Weather: 30 C, Sunny

This is the 2nd day of my Blog. Im trying to write something everyday, even tho I dont get up to an awful lot. Sorry if Im boring you senseless. :o)

Last night Leon got home late and had completely forgotten that he was supposed to take myself and Daniella to the pub, as he had just been there himself. Cheeky!!! We spent the rest of the evening having some dinner and then I wisked him away for some fun. Top secret stuff Im afraid...

Today I was wide awake at 7.20am when Leon crawled into my bed for cuddles, as he tends to do every morning when he gets up for college. If you are wondering, we started sleeping in seperate beds when Leon had bad insomnia a while back and since then I dont wanna give up my big, comfy bed to go back to share Leons! The sky was clear blue when I woke up so it was a bit of a struggle getting back to sleep but I knew I would collapse around 2pm if I did get up at 7am. Woke later on about 11.30 and made plans to go to the park for some sunbathing but somehow I ended up in the "garden" instead. Managed about an hour out there with my book, which wasnt very interesting at all, before I got too hot and bothered. Made my way back into my room which was as hot as a sauna by then. :-S
Made some phonecalls to former employers as I had heard rumours that I would finally get my wages today. I was right. :o) I have tried to get them for the last 3 weeks but due to different stupid reasons they wouldnt give it. I suppose the only reason I was lucky to get them now if for the fact that Im leaving the country.
So I walked down there to collect it and was hassled on the way by some black geezer in a flash car. Fortunately he let me go after I managed to convince him I did NOT, under any circumstances want to hook up...in the nicest possibly way of course. Phew...

Stopped by in the shop near my house and since I had been paid i decided to treat myself to a bacardi breezer, a smirnoff ice, smarties and even tho I fancied crisps, I decided on fruit instead. And I even managed to resist that can of Dr pepper calling my name....maybe another time Dr Pepper. :o) Got home and made myself some dinner, spinach and feta cheese pie with home made tzatziki sauce. Yum!!! Watched the usual soaps (how am I gonna find out what happens next if im in sweden!?) and chilled out here with my Pinapple Bacardi Breezer. :o)
I remember the days when I got pissed drunk on 2 breezers...those were the days! :o)

The rest of the evening seems to be pretty much the same...Leon is working till late so I've got internet and telly to entertain me. Wish Leon was here. :-SI have managed to do some packing, but its really hard to know what to pack as I dont know what the weather will be like. I had a quick look at the weather forecast and from there it seems like we will have 13 C and clouds and rain all week while we're away. Typical!!! So I guess I will skip the skirts and go for jeans and warm tops... Well thats about all for now.

Oh by the way, feel free to leave comments and stuff on my Blog.
Hasta La Vista baby